Known Issues

1. If you see an empty list of Mezzo Wifis on the second step of wizard, you should open Android settings and give the Mezzo special permission. Go to: Settings > Apps > Mezzo-Permissions > Location should be ON. And then press Refresh button in Mezzo app.

2. If you get an ERROR popup “Try to connect again” after selecting necessary Mezzo Wifi network on the second step of wizard, please double check two (2) things:
 2.1. Your password should for “My-Mezzo_XXXX” should be entered correctly.
 2.2. Your Cellular data in your Android device settings should be off during the wizard set up.

3. If you have a problem with setting Home Wifi to your Mezzo and you see a popup with “Retry” button, please visit Android Wifi Settings and do following before retrying:
 3.1. Find My-Mezzo_XXXX in the network list, press and hold on it then press “FORGET” button.
 3.2. Select My-Mezzo_XXXX again and please enter correct password.
Please note: If you have Android with system 6 and above, please go to the Settings > Apps > Mezzo > Permissions and allow the app use all requested permissions for stable work before using the Wizard.

4. Android will not allow a phone with multiple users to connect to a Mezzo. The owner/admin must be the one trying to connect to Mezzo.

5. Mezzo will not connect via a different SSID than the one it was set up with. If you are moving to a different phone, please make sure you’re connected to the correct WiFi SSID before trying to connect to Mezzo.

Koren @ Ness has written 17 articles