How to update your firmware

To ensure your Mezzo/NessBridge operates with the latest features and security enhancements, it is essential to keep its firmware up to date. You must be connected to your Mezzo/Ness Bridge via a local connection to update your device.

1. Begin by opening your Mezzo/NessBridge app, ensure you have a local connection by connecting to the same network that your Ness Bridge is installed on, the left side of the connection bar in the Mezzo app must be green to signify local connection. If you cannot establish a local connection, ensure you have set up your Home Wifi SSID as a trusted connection, follow the instructions here for more information.

2. Go to the Menu. hamburger in your Mezzo app.

3. Scroll down in the Menu and press ‘About‘.

4. Click on ‘Check for firmware update‘.

5. Press ‘OK‘ and the update process will begin; do not disconnect the device during this time.

6. Once the update is complete, the device will restart. Always ensure your device is fully charged or connected to a power source before starting the update to prevent any interruptions.

Koren @ Ness has written 17 articles